Who Am I? Grief and Loss of Identity

Identity is a funny thing.  The way we think of ourselves, how we define ourselves, the story we tell ourselves about who we are, all of that comes together to create our identity.  And yet we don’t always have a conscious awareness of our identity or even a loss of identity.  It often exists in[…..]

A New Year’s Resolution for Grievers

I resolve to take you with me into the new year and then every day after that. I’ll hold onto memories of you, each a separate thread connected to our life together. I’ll jumble them up into a ball, so I’m not constantly getting tangled in the past. But I’ll make sure I can still[…..]

Grief: My 9/11 Experience Took Me 20 Years To Heal.

GRIEF – This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. While our country commemorates our shared national tragedy, for me, this milestone memorializes the abrupt end of my childhood and continues to impact my life in unexpected, life-shattering ways. My father, Steven Jacobson, worked on the 110th floor of One World[…..]

UNDERSTANDING GRIEF: Does Grief Make You Tired?

“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago.” Friedrich Nietzche Grief: A common question about grief that we often hear asked is: Does grief make you tired? The simple answer is, yes, it’s perfectly normal to feel exhausted after experiencing significant loss. Grief and loss can cause mind-body mayhem, which[…..]

What is Avoidance Behavior? An Explainer

Our experiences are complex, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s break them down into two separate categories – inside experiences and outside experiences.  Outside experiences include everything that happens outside of us like sensory input, social interactions, the places we go, the things we do, the events that make up our lives, and so on.[…..]

Addressing Chronic Avoidance of Grief

How do you deal with grief avoidance? Before we dive in, please keep in mind that we’re not suggesting you should never engage in some avoidance coping. Quite the opposite – healthy grief often involves taking breaks, which means some balanced avoidance. The Dual Process Model of Grief even includes that as part of grief! The tips we’re sharing today[…..]


Grief: In 2020, millions of people across the world met an incalculable wave of loss due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Unexpected hardships have materialized due to this crisis—including a staggering rise in drug overdose deaths and an urgent need for drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Coping with the grief that can follow the loss of a[…..]