It’s everywhere, it’s in the air. We don’t know quite what it is. Sadness? Disappointment? Pain? People have asked, do the stages apply to this type of loss? As a grief expert who was privileged to write a book with Elisabeth Kübler Ross about her stages of grief. I believe they do apply. Rose McGowan […]
“If I don’t make it I want you to know that I lived a happy … life with you and would never have traded it for all the riches in the world,” Billy Loredo wrote. On Dec. 13, Billy Loredo, a lawyer from Edinburg, Texas, died from COVID-19 at the age of 45. But he[…..]
I don’t think there is anything that can prepare you to lose a parent. It is a larger blow in adulthood I believe, because you are at the point where you are actually friends with your mother or father. Their wisdom has finally sunk in and you know that all of the shit you rolled[…..]
A troubling percentage of adults believe that miscarriages are rare and caused by a woman’s negative lifestyle choices, stress or physical activity, according to a study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. In fact, miscarriages happen in about one in five known pregnancies. Most are caused by some kind of developmental problem in the embryo.[…..]
When I went through a breakup a few years ago, what helped me the most wasn’t ice cream or vodka. It was spinning. When I awoke before dawn during those first raw months with an overwhelming ache in my gut, I somehow managed to drag myself and my misery to a 6:30 a.m. class, and[…..]
People believe that grief is an obstacle when it’s anything, but instead, grieving is the pilgrimage by which you create the conditions such that you are able to face the inevitable obstacles that arise amid loss. A dear friend is killed in a car accident. A few months later, I don’t feel that I’ve sufficiently[…..]
You spend some time curled into tiny spaces. They are useful for this. Big, open rooms give you too much space for your wild thoughts to tangle and knot. If you curl yourself into a small place and sit there, you will ultimately feel cramped or foolish or angry enough to leave and make yourself[…..]
The process of mourning and grieving is hard for everyone, but there are elements of the losing a loved one than can feel especially difficult when you’re an introvert. The process of mourning and grieving is hard for everyone, but there are elements of the losing a loved one than can feel especially difficult when[…..]
I lost my daughter a year and half ago, and I still consider my grief to be very new. But every time I meet up with a friend or see family, their reactions to my pain surprises me. Grieving the loss of a child is a grief that is unique. It is a loss that[…..]
Six years inside complicated grief taught me many things. Five of them I can put into words and onto paper. I have a feeling I will be learning from her the rest of my life. Six years inside complicated grief taught me many things. Five of them I can put into words and onto paper.[…..]